How Cryptocurrencies have changed the way we used to think about online financial transactions?
A few years back, the technological advancement we are talking about currently, used to be nothing more than a sheer point of imagination. From clearing a cheque to communication between two-person, the process used to take hours or days to establish. Well, things have changed drastically within the past few years and right from the purchase of daily used goods to using our high end smartphones, technology has impacted every human life around to some great extent. Cryptocurrency can certainly be counted as one of the aspects that have changed our way of dealing with financial transactions on a day to day basis. These days, not only you can trade and exchange in cryptocurrency options like Bitcoin and Ducatus coin within minutes, but you can also shop for your favorite stuff and accessories online. Ronny Tome, the founder of well-recognized Ducatus global network, a firm behind the launch of Ducatus coin, also agrees with the same fact. As per him, the inception...